I am actively researching new methods for "hand-eye" or "egomotion sensor" calibration. My colleagues and I have implemented some of these algorithms in certifiable-calibration, a Python and MATLAB repository.
Stay tuned for newer and shinier algorithms implemented in Julia with ROS integration!
My colleague Filip Marić and I are actively developing graphIK, a Python library for research into distance-geometric solutions to inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators in the presence of obstacles. We also developed MATLAB code for a sparse sum-of-squares approach to planar and spherical IK.
I worked with Valentin Peretrouhkin on bingham-rotation-learning, a novel differentiable representation of \(\text{SO}(3)\) as a Bingham distribution for deep learning.
I worked with my colleagues at MIT on MATLAB code for resource-efficient "communication policies" for multi-robot cooperative SLAM.
Here's a list of tools I think everyone should know about!
I've never been a big fan of productivity software or fancy note-taking apps, but Obsidian's simplicity has charmed me! Simple hyperlinked markdown files that support LaTeX with little to no fuss.
Texpad is easy to configure and wonderful to look at - worth every penny!
I built this website with Franklin! I find it much easier to configure than Jekyll, and it's highly integrated with Julia.